
Distinctions in offered Services

Basic Plan
  • ✔️ Health
  • ✔️ Cab and Transportation
  • ✔️ Grocery and Daily Needs
  • ✔️ Home Care and Maintenance
  • ✔️ Security and Safety
  • ✔️ Food Delivery and Home Catering
  • ✔️ Payment
  • ✔️ Other Services
  • ✔️ All Services 24 x 7
  • ❌ Emergency Services
  • ❌ Leisure and Entertainment
  • ❌ Living and Life Style
  • ❌ Property Management
  • ✔️ By Domestic Doctors
  • $ 130/ Month
  • $ 390 / Four Months
  • $ 1560 / 14 Months
  • ✔️ Health
  • ✔️ Cab and Transportation
  • ✔️ Grocery and Daily Needs
  • ✔️ Home Care and Maintenance
  • ✔️ Security and Safety
  • ✔️ Food Delivery and Home Catering
  • ✔️ Emergency Services
  • ✔️ Payment
  • ✔️ Other Services
  • ✔️ All Services 24 x 7
  • ❌ Leisure and Entertainment
  • ❌ Living and Life Style
  • ❌ Property Management
  • ✔️ Onboarding & Continuation of care by US Doctors on demand
  • ✔️ Second Opinion by US Physicians for all medical subspeciality & Preventive Care
  • $ 150 / Month
  • $ 450 / Four Months
  • $ 1800 / 14 Months
  • Health
  • Cab and Transportation
  • Grocery and Daily Needs
  • Home Care and Maintenance
  • Security and Safety
  • Food Delivery and Home Catering
  • Emergency Services
  • Payment
  • Other Services
  • All Services 24 x 7
  • Leisure and Entertainment
  • Living and Life Style
  • Property Management
  • ✅ Onboarding & Continuation of care by US Doctors.
  • ✅ Onboarding & Continuation of care by US Doctors.
  • 170 / Month
  • 510 / Four Months
  • 2040 / 14 Months
  • ✔️ Healthcare 24x7 *
  • ✔️ Cab and Transportation
  • ✔️ Grocery and Daily Needs
  • ✔️ Home Care and Maintenance
  • ✔️ Security and Safety
  • ✔️ Food Delivery and Home Catering
  • ✔️ Emergency Services
  • ✔️ Leisure and Entertainment
  • ✔️ Payment
  • ✔️ Living and Life Style
  • ✔️ Property Management
  • ✔️ Onboarding & Continuation of care by US Doctors.
  • ✔️ Second Opinion by US Physicians for all medical subspeciality & Preventive Care
  • $ 170 / Month
  • $ 510 / Four Months
  • $ 2040 / 14 Months
  • ✔️ Healthcare 24x7 *
  • ✔️ Cab and Transportation
  • ✔️ Grocery and Daily Needs
  • ✔️ Home Care and Maintenance
  • ✔️ Security and Safety
  • ✔️ Food Delivery and Home Catering
  • ✔️ Emergency Services
  • ✔️ Leisure and Entertainment
  • ✔️ Payment
  • ❌ Living and Life Style
  • ❌ Property Management
  • ✔️ Onboarding & Continuation of care by US Doctors on demand
  • ✔️ Second Opinion by US Physicians (on demand) & Preventive Care
  • $ 150 / Month
  • $ 450 / Four Months
  • $ 1800 / 14 Months

Basic Plan
  • ✔️ Healthcare 24x7 *
  • ✔️ Cab and Transportation
  • ✔️ Grocery and Daily Needs
  • ✔️ Home Care and Maintenance
  • ✔️ Security and Safety
  • ✔️ Food Delivery
  • ✔️ Emergency Services
  • ✔️ Leisure and Entertainment
  • ✔️ Payment
  • ❌ Living and Life Style
  • ❌ Property Management
  • ✔️ Onboarding and continuation of care by domestic doctor
  • $ 130/ Month
  • $ 390 / Four Months
  • $ 1560 / 14 Months

No Hidden Charges!

Financial experts support or help you to to find out which way you can raise your funds more.

How kutumb.care is different from others:

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1. Onboarding & Continuation of Care

kutumb.care offers a Healthcare onboarding facility to their customers. In case of medical consultancy and emergency, kutumb.care onboard their customer to US Doctors consultancy. We have a large team of highly qualified and experienced Doctors practicing in the US for a long. Onboarded customers shall be examined by the US Doctors and recommend the line of treatment with the latest medical solutions

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kutumb.care is linked with the portal known as secop: In case of medical emergencies, second opinion must undergo for every patient. Kutumb.care allows you to connect with the secop for a second opinion before making any major medical decision. Our team shall upload your medical record for examination to US-based expert Doctors, Physicians, and Surgeons for due medical decisions

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3.Home Security – SOS Button

kutumb.care is offering you a unique feature to their customer that gives a security experience technically. Our team shall digitally connect Parents and Children living by distance. Our team deploys CCTV, which connects to the cellular network with children's mobile phones. Children can see and monitor the daily activities of their parents on screen without the constraint of distance. Also, Parents are equipped with an ‘SOS Button’, which can give alert signals and activate the concerned agencies in an emergency

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4.Preventive Care

kutumb.care is offering you a unique preventive care feature. Prevention is always better than cure. Our expert visits your home and suggests preventing you from ‘Fall Risk’. Also, our dietitian would recommend a balanced and healthy diet plan for you. 

Kutumbakam Care Private Limited 2023 All Right Reserved