
Regular cleaning is an important part of keeping your home healthy.

House cleaning includes preventing and controlling bacteria, viruses, and other pests like moths, silverfish, and bed bugs that can cause harm if left unchecked.

And during the COVID-19 pandemic, regular cleaning is even more preferable. SARS-CoV-2, the infection that causes COVID-19, can survive on some household surfaces for several days.

Kutumb. Care gives some common home problem solutions to keep your living space healthy and safe.

How to clean the kitchen

Everyone runs to the kitchen. Almost every surface is a magnet for bacteria, viruses, germs, insects, and other parasites.

Your kitchen may also be one of the places where a virus like SARS-CoV-2 is most likely to be transmitted in your household. A 2020 study found that this coronavirus can survive for hours or days on many common kitchen surfaces:


: 8 hours Box

: 24 hours

stainless steel: 48 hours

plastic: 3 days

Things you can do to kill germs on your sponge are:

by putting the sponge in the dishwasher at high temperature with the drying cycle active

Moisten and microwave for 1-2 minutes

by pressing it down well after each use and storing it in a place where it can air dry

Tea towels can also harbor harmful microorganisms, even if they are only used to dry-clean dishes. Wash them frequently while the machine’s temperature dial is set to “Warm.”

cutting board

Never cut fruit or vegetables on the cutting board you use to cut raw meat. First, clean it with warm soapy water.

Separating vegetables and raw meat avoids cross-contamination and the possible spread of Salmonella, E.coli, and other harmful bacteria.

It pays to have two cutting boards: one for raw meat, and the other for fruits, vegetables, and everything else.


After the fire, all surfaces must be cleaned and disinfected.

This extra step helps eliminate foodborne bacteria like Campylobacter, a common cause of diarrhea. Also, it will discourage insects from feeding on leftover food on the counter.

Household pests like cockroaches can transmit many pathogens and also cause asthma and allergies in some people.

countertops can be sanitized with bleach after drying with soap and water. A teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water is fine. This extra step will help kill any remaining pathogens.

The use of chlorine bleach also helps remove viral material associated with COVID-19. Ammonia will also work. Do not use bleach and ammonia together as they can combine to form harmful chemicals.

Protect yourself from potential insect infestations by washing dishes and cutlery immediately after eating, storing food in airtight containers, and storing rubbish in a container with a lid.


After the fire, all surfaces must be cleaned and disinfected.

This extra step helps eliminate foodborne bacteria like Campylobacter, a common cause of diarrhea. Also, it will discourage insects from feeding on leftover food on the counter.

Household pests like cockroaches can transmit many pathogens and also cause asthma and allergies in some people.

In the bedroom

Whether you share a bed with someone else or not, you are never alone in bed.

Dust, dust mites, and possibly pet dander are always with you. These bed bugs contribute to poor air quality and can be a nuisance to most of us, whether we are allergic or not.

This is because mites produce waste and lay eggs. Add in hair, dead skin, fungi, and pollen and you have an allergen-rich mix that can affect sensitive individuals.

Here are some tips to get rid of dust mites:

In the bathroom

The bathroom is a relatively new thing. Humans have relied on latrines and bathhouses for millennia, and for good reason: to keep pathogens and waste out of their homes.

Today we have the luxury of toilets and bathtubs, and pathogens can hide where we least expect them.

toilet handle

Toilets can be a simple indicator of potential bathroom health hazards, but there’s a reason you might not expect it.

You probably know that you need to keep the toilet and toilet seat clean, but how often do you clean the toilet handle? Rotaviruses, enterococci, and other parasites can live there.

Enterococcus can cause bacterial gastroenteritis. Rotavirus is the most common cause of diarrhea in children.

The new coronavirus can survive for up to 3 days on steel and plastic bathroom handles.

Disinfect the irrigation handle with a disinfectant that has antibacterial or antiviral properties. Disinfection with a 60 percent alcohol solution can also help to remove SARS-CoV-2 virus particles.

from floor to ceiling

Mold can grow in the bathroom and cause a whole host of health problems, from itchy, watery eyes to asthma attacks.

Another danger lurking in your bathroom and possibly throughout the house is Trichophyton.

This fungus causes ringworm and athlete’s foot and can be transmitted from person to person via the soil.

Here are some tips for cleaning mold and trichophyton:

Regular replacement of Toothbrush, Towels and personal use items.

-Regular fumigation of the home.

-Dust can be allergic. Regular dusting is required to avoid allergy from dust and pollen

-Regular cleaning of curtains and window nets

-Use of UV radiation to get rid from bacteria and virus

-Regular sweeping and mopping of house floor

-To get rid from common house flies and mosquitoes which spreads up infections

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